Lars here.
I write thriller novels. Many people love them and give me great reviews.
But not everyone.
Some people HATE them. And they’re not shy about it.
And sometimes, those negative reviews are HILARIOUS.
Other times, they hit me right between the eyes.
And it smarts.
I thought I’d share a few of my favorite negative reviews with you, for our mutual entertainment:
“This author needs a psychologist.”
Hmm. Maybe she has a point, I reflect.
I am, on occasion, a little bit off my rocker.
“Creative,” I believe, is the clever PC euphemism.
Anyway, in real life, I followed her advice.
Guess what my psychologist said:
“This is all normal for someone with your condition.”
I didn’t know whether I should feel better or worse.
She also suggested this:
“You should write thrillers.”
I’m no less confused than ever, but at least it seems that I’m accidentally going round and round in the right circles.
Reader: “There was sex in this book. Disgusting.”
Are you my ex-wife?
“It was so predictable but I was annoyed because the story kept going in the wrong direction and I didn’t know where it was going.”
Reader: “The storyline sucked. The author probably can’t even spell P-L-A-T.”
Me: Maybe he’s right. I’ve always spelled it P-L-O-T. ;)
Reader: “Everybody who reads this stuff thinks this author is a better writer than he really is.”
Me: Erm… thanks?
Reader: “This book was a $£*%%>€£ cliffhanger! I want to throw the author off the roof.”
My author-friend: “Yeah, dude, cliffhangers were only in for, like, six months. Guess you didn’t read the memo.”
Me: Guess I was too busy writing $£*%%>€£ cliffhangers.
(Do NOT worry, dear reader. I am wiser. I’ll never do it again as long as I live, forever and ever amen.)
Reader: “Pure dreck. Awful writing. I couldn’t get past the opening line.”
Me: The opening line has two words. That’s hardly enough room for even a grammatical error.
“You’re one smug bastard.”
That's wrong. My parents were married.
(I actually think life has beaten most of the smugness out of me by now, FWIW.)
Reader 1: “You’re a socialist.”
Reader 2: “You’re a Fascist.”
Reader 3: “Sellout! Another one bows down to the corperate [sic] gods.”
Reader 4: “How dare you? You’re not even gay OR liberal.”
Reader 5: “Another brainwashed liberal.”
Reader 6: “Another crazy Trumpkin.”
Me: somebody call my psychologist.
Maybe ask her to bring the tranquilizer gun.
Reader: “He writes like English is a foreign language.”
Me: Isn’t it, though? I mean, somewhere?
Reader: “This guy wants to be like Lee Child.”
Me: That’s actually maybe a little, teeny, tiny bit true. Probably. Completely.
Reader: “Don’t quit your day job!”
Me: Too late.
Anyway, please feel free to keep busting my chops. I've developed a thick skin and I hardly ever cry myself to sleep after a bad review. And who knows? Maybe your review will wind up in the next Greatest Body Blows edition.
And by the way, my family and I owe you an enormous thank-you for giving us the life we’ve dreamed of living. It's not mansions and yachts, but we have more than we need, we enjoy plenty of time together, and I love this work. What more could a person ask for?
So, for as long as these books keep us in grocery money, maybe I’ll keep bumbling along with my neuroses occasionally at the wheel and my insecurities hidden safely away, where everyone but me can see them.
Until next time,
PS: Check out the special we're running over at our independent bookstore. Thanks to people like you, those kinds of things still exist in a world taken over by Amazon :).
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