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Letters from Lars

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The government paid me to lie to my wife

Hello again!


Lars here.


I used to do some interesting stuff under the ‘National Security’ banner.


I was allowed to talk about a good bit of what we did.


But there was some stuff that I would be thrown in jail for disclosing.


That’s not news to anyone, I don’t think. Most of us are familiar with the idea that militaries and intelligence agencies have secrets, and we generally accept that those secrets exist to protect our personnel in harm’s way, and also to protect particular technologies, processes, or relationships.


But there are two interesting spinoffs that occur as a result of this secrecy.


First (and I think this comes as a surprise to many people): in certain circumstances, we are required to lie to you.


It’s not optional. We can’t decline to answer the question. We have to answer, and the answer has to be a lie.


I have lied to my wife because the government made it...

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"It's not poo, daddy. It's dirt."

Hello! Lars here.


Hope your day is well above average. :)


It's pure bedlam here at Lars Emmerich Headquarters. At the headquarters are three children. They live here.


It's not really a headquarters as much as it's... a house.


But I'm fond of pomp and circumstance, so we'll go with 'headquarters.'


The two-year-old is going through a nakedness phase. No problem... except that she's not yet down with doing her business in the toilet.


Have there been 'surprises' left in strategic locations around the headquarters facility?


I'm sad to report, yes.


Did a certain author step in a 'hidden gem' and proceed to spread the gift throughout the house via the bottom of his shoe?


Again, yes.


These are the times that try men's souls, as somebody smart and famous once said.


And what did my daughter have to say for herself?


"It's not poo, daddy. It's just dirt."


Which brings us to today's topic: propaganda!...

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